Emma is the first installment of the fictitious trials and tribulations of Inspector Martsen Rosenberg, set in the bleak and grey background of the Scandinavia Noir genre. The idea came spontaneously between two real-life Rosenbergs, from a picture, to a text, and to a final collaged image. 

Reference pictures by Mark Rosenberg. Final images and text by Stephane Calvin (Rosenberg).

A series of crimes solved by Inspector Martsen Rosenberg

Chapter One

medium: collage

Inspector Martsen Rosenberg was in a sour mood that morning. His jog had just been interrupted; the body had been found in the Vestpalen fjörd, less than five kilometers from town.

Chapter Two

medium: serigraph print

The body was still at the morgue and Rosenberg could not wrap his head around the grizzly crime scene. He’d been with the department for almost three decades now, but never got used to water corpses - who could? The body of the young teenage girl they’d just found had most likely been there for more than a week. The ravages of stagnant waters where already visible. The only identifier they found was a note, tucked deep into a pocket book. It was badly damaged, but the forensic team had managed to decipher one word, a name: Emma.


Community Round Table Project at Riverworks Art Center